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Below are the details of the highest quality Kashrut in our Caterer under the supervision of Rabbi "Pinhas Cohen", The Regional Chief Rabbi of Netivot.

Casheroute du Traiteur Thierry Arfi - information


  1. All the raw materials, poultry, meat and fish, are under four supervision: Rav Makhpoud, Atara Beth Yosef, Rabbi Rubin and Rabbi Landau.

  2. The vegetables are subjected to strict inspection and additional special washing, according to the instructions of Badatz. shemita lekhoumra

  3. bread rolls and pastries are provided by bakeries under the supervision of Badatz HaEidah HaCharedit.

  4. Bakery products cooked on site (Halots) - the sieving is carried out on site, in a machine that meets all the requirements. Méhadrine.

  5. A special supervisor is responsible for choosing the products that go into the kitchen, including legumes and all unground spices such as nuts and almonds.

  6. For any questions or requests, please contact the Caterer supervisor.

  7. An experienced professional service à la Française given the circumstances, with service adapted according to the criteria of our tradition.

  8. Kosher Certificate 2021-2022


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